To produce high quality and standard vehicle refrigerators, polyurethane, plastic parts and rail system equipment for the unconditional customer satisfaction envisaged by the competition in the world market,
To comply fully with national / international legal regulations while performing all these activities,
To act in accordance with customer specific requests and product safety,
To ensure product reliability in order to prevent failure that may occur along the product life cycle
To create safe and healthy ergonomic work areas for our employees by eliminating hazards and reducing risks in order to prevent work accidents and occupational diseases,
To take precaution and meausures of machine safety,
To provide for our employees personal protective equipment in accordance with legal requirements,
To take fire safety measures, being constantly prepared for emergencies,
To reduce environmental pollution, by minimizing the negative environmental impacts caused by our activities with a life cycle approach,
To use our limited natural resources effectively and efficiently,
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, efficiently use of energy sources, utilizing renewable energy sources studies to protect water quality, reducing pollution and reducing water consumption to conduct pollution prevention activities to increase air quality reducing environmental damages of the chemical with chemical management responsibility, to ensure the reduction of wastes, reuse by separation, and necessary recycling and legal disposal,
To increase the performance and efficiency of our environment and OHS system by constantly reviewing and improving our quality, environment and occupational health and safety practices together with our policy, taking into account the technological developments, demands, expectations and requirements of the society,
To be an example for all our competitors and stakeholders.
Making all our employees informed about your goals and mission, in consultation with our employees and to action in the team spirit.
All Together, For All of us, For our Country, For our world...
REV Number: 10 | DATE: 24.01.2024